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Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5pm

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XCellR8 Health Clinic

14350 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite 16, Scottsdale AZ 85260

Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone Shots vs. Cream: Which Is Best?

One of the most common questions that comes up regarding testosterone therapy and supplements is what type of product will work best. There is no simple answer to this question because all patients and their needs will differ. Each of the methods will have pros and cons, and sometimes, the patients will have a preference.

Testosterone Shots

Testosterone injection therapy is a popular means of testosterone replacement for several reasons. This solution is fast and it is effective. This is because it is injected directly into the muscle tissue, where it will be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly.

There is not a risk of transferring the testosterone to others because it is injected into the body. There will need to be follow-up appointments for additional injections, to test the testosterone levels in the body, and to change dosages if needed.

However, the appointments only tend to take 15 minutes to half an hour in most cases. Having a professional take care of the injections will help to ensure that they are done correctly and that the proper dosage is received. This is an easy option, even though it does require more visits to the office.

Testosterone Cream

Sometimes, patients do not like the idea of getting a shot because they don’t like needles. If that’s the case, then opting for a cream may be the better solution. It’s important to note that the creams will deliver the testosterone to the system more slowly into the system. However, this also means that there will not likely need to be as many follow-up appointments since patients can apply the cream themselves.

However, even though it is convenient for patients to apply the cream on their own bodies, they will need to use the cream each day to ensure it is effective. There is always a chance that someone might forget to apply the cream one day, or they might forget to bring it with them when they are on vacation. The creams will typically take about an hour to dry, and users will want to be sure the cream doesn’t come into contact with anyone else during that time. It can be harmful, particularly to pregnant women.

Additionally, the absorption rate differs from one person to the next. This means that for some, the cream might not be as effective as getting an injection. Dosage control tends to be somewhat more difficult using this method, as well.

Both of the methods have their pros and cons. Those who want to achieve the fastest results, however, will want to consider testosterone shots.

Find a Clinic to Help with Testosterone Replacement

Those who feel that they may need to have testosterone replacement therapy will want to be sure they speak with a professional from XCellR8 Health. Get in touch to learn more about the options that are available and to schedule a consultation. The medical professionals can answer questions and can help patients to find the best solution for their needs.


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