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Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5pm

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XCellR8 Health Clinic

14350 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite 16, Scottsdale AZ 85260


Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Males

Low testosterone in men is more common than many people might realize. It’s not something to be embarrassed about, but it is something that needs to be understood. Below are some of the most common symptoms of low testosterone in men, as well as information on supplement options.

Erectile Dysfunction

Testosterone is important for achieving an erection and maintaining it. When someone has low testosterone, they may have trouble in this area. Low “T” is not the only reason that someone might have difficulties with erections, of course, but it is one of the issues.

Lowered Libido

In addition to erectile issues, they might find that they no longer have much of a sex drive. Testosterone plays a major role in libido, and a lack of testosterone can cause a severe drop in sex drive.

Less Semen

Men with low testosterone may notice that they have a lower amount of semen when they ejaculate. This could reduce the movement of sperm, which could make it more difficult for those who are considering having children with their partners.

Memory and Concentration Issues

Many people don’t realize it, but not having enough testosterone can also make it more difficult to have a clear mind and concentrate. They might notice that they have trouble with their memory, as well.

Changes in Mood

Low testosterone has also been shown to cause issues with mood. Some men will start to feel more depressed or they will be in a bad mood. They often do not realize that it’s because they have low testosterone.

Muscle Loss and Increased Body Fat

Without testosterone, the muscles can start to diminish, causing men to lose muscle mass, strength, and endurance. It can be difficult to put on muscle mass when someone has low T.

People might also notice that they are putting on more body fat than usual. They might also find that getting rid of that fat is more difficult when they do not have enough testosterone.

Reduced Bone Mass

Some who have low testosterone will have a reduction in the strength and density of their bones, which can cause issues with their bone health. This can be a major problem as people start to get older.

Use Testosterone Supplements for a Boost

These are just some of the most common issues that are associated with low testosterone levels in men. Those who want to increase their testosterone levels will find there are some good options for testosterone supplements. This includes the use of creams and patches, which can deliver the hormone into the bloodstream. There is also the option of getting an injection. The injections, because they go right into the muscles and the bloodstream, can start working quickly.

Let XCellR8 Help with Testosterone Replacement Therapy

It’s essential to ensure that any testosterone replacement therapy chosen is provided by professionals. XCellR8 Health provides a fantastic program that can be customized for each patient to get them the help they need. Those who are interested in using testosterone supplements should contact XCellR8 Health today to get more information and to schedule an appointment.


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