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Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5pm

Saturday and Sunday - Appointment Only

Call: (480) 281-1456

XCellR8 Health Clinic

14350 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite 16, Scottsdale AZ 85260


Experience Relief From Painful Migraines With IV Therapy

Migraines can cause a ton of pain, as well as other symptoms like light sensitivity and nausea. These severe headaches can last for hours or even days and seriously disrupt your life. They can prevent you from doing things you otherwise enjoy. In addition, migraines are debilitating and those who experience them may have constant worry about a new attack coming on.

Instead of trying over-the-counter medications or visiting the hospital for migraines, there are other options. For example, IV therapy for migraines offers nearly instant relief of symptoms so that you feel better and can go on with your day.

Causes of Headaches and Migraines

About 12% of Americans experience recurring, severe migraines. While researchers aren’t entirely sure what causes them, genetic factors may come into play.

Migraines create symptoms like nausea and vomiting, throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head, increased sensitivity to sound and light, and increased pain while doing physical activities. Some people also experience visual disturbances, such as zigzag lines, flashing lights, or other confusing sensations.

Some people have no warning signs of a migraine coming on, but they can be triggered by the following:

  • Stress, depression, anxiety, shock, or other emotions
  • Eye strain when looking at a computer screen, or poor posture from sitting too long at a desk
  • Changes in hormone levels, such as fluctuations during menstruation
  • Flickering lights, strong odors, loud noises, and other environmental factors
  • Consuming certain substances, such as caffeine and alcohol
  • Poor sleep, low blood sugar, overexertion, and other physical issues

Phases Involved in a Migraine Attack

Most people experience four phases during a migraine attack. These include:

  • Prodrome – The starting phases signaling the start of a migraine, which can last several hours or days.
  • Aura – Symptoms that manifest as vision problems will start to occur and can blend into the following phase.
  • Headache – Pain on at least one side of the head will start and last hours or days. Sleeplessness, sensitivity to light or sound, and nausea may also be present during this stage.
  • Postdrome – After the headache, effects may remain. This might include body aches, tiredness, and mental fuzziness.

How IV Therapy For Migraines Can Help

Serious migraines can be hard to take, but IV therapy for migraines can alleviate the symptoms. When you visit a clinic that offers infusions, a medical professional will take your vital signs and choose a drip designed for your symptoms.

Several medications, vitamins, and minerals may be included in the IV drip. For example, B complex vitamins can help with the severity of a migraine. Magnesium can help with migraine auras, and several medications can ease pain and reduce nausea during a migraine attack.

Schedule an Appointment For Your Migraine Symptoms

Migraines don’t have to keep you from enjoying the moments of your life. Migraine IV therapy can offer quick relief of your symptoms. XCellR8 Health Clinic will work with you to create the perfect migraine treatment. All IV therapy is provided by professionals and can be tailored for your exact symptoms and needs.


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