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XCellR8 Health Clinic

14350 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite 16, Scottsdale AZ 85260

IV Therapy Migrane

Choose IV Therapy for Migraines

If you have ever experienced a migraine, you know that it’s not merely a headache. It’s far worse than a normal headache. The throbbing sensation can feel like a painful pulse that affects one side of your head. The migraine can also cause a range of other symptoms aside from the painful head. This could include nausea and vomiting. Many people also have a severe sensitivity to light and sound.

Those who are “lucky” will have a migraine that only lasts a few hours. Others may be in for days of this kind of pain. Those who suffer from migraines know that they can affect normal daily activities. Everything from work to spending time with the kids and other family members becomes excruciating. It’s often not possible to “power through it” because of the severity of the pain and symptoms. Instead, it could be in your best interest to get IV therapy for the migraine.

What Causes a Migraine to Trigger?

Unfortunately, many things could cause the migraine to trigger. This might include being under constant stress, for example. In today’s busy world where there are so many stressful elements hitting us from all sides, it’s easy to see how this could cause a migraine to trigger. However, there are plenty of other potential triggers. Not getting enough sleep, certain types of foods, too much intense exercise, perfumes and other smells, changes in hormones, and even the glare of the sun could cause the migraine to trigger.

When this happens, one of the best ways to get some relief is by opting to get IV therapy for the migraine. It can provide faster relief than just “waiting it out” and trying to medicate it with painkillers as so many people do. Often, those medications do not work very well.

Doctors might suggest some lifestyle changes that could help to reduce the instances of migraines. This might include finding ways to better handle stress. It could also mean getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and staying hydrated. When one of these debilitating headaches strikes, though, you might want to reach out to XCellR8 Health Clinic for some help.

Let XCellR8 Health Clinic Help with Migraine IV Therapy and More

How does IV therapy for migraines help? It can help in a few ways. First, it helps to ensure that you are properly hydrated. It also provides the electrolytes and vitamins your body needs. They are delivered right into your bloodstream, which means they will help to provide faster relief than traditional methods.

XCellR8 Health Clinic offers IV therapy for migraines that include 500ml of fluid, along with anti-inflammatory medication including magnesium and acute migraine medications that are often used in emergency rooms. It can provide the fast relief you need from your migraine symptoms. The therapy will typically last for less than an hour. It’s a fast procedure, so you can be in and out of the clinic in no time at all. Of course, you do need to be sure that you are getting the treatment from a great clinic. Get in touch with us to learn more about XCellR8 Health Clinic’s Migraine IV Therapy.


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